Horn Wins 3rd Straight NAC 2-Man in Park City

From Park City, USA

(January 9, 2025) – Kris Horn slid to his third straight North American Cup victory, just ahead of teammate Geoff Gadbois for the second time in two days.

Horn and Seth Baylus took the lead by a tenth of a second over Gadbois and Collin Stoms in the first heat. Gadbois and Storms took the lead from South Korea’s Youngjin Suk in the second heat, but were once again out-slid by Horn and Baylus, with the latter team winning gold by .19.

It was the third straight victory for Horn, and the third straight silver Gadbois. Gadbois has finished either first or second in every race this season.

Suk and Kyungyeon Lee slid to third, up from fifth in the first heat, .19 ahead of Brazil’s Edson Bindilatti and Edson Martins in fourth.

AJ Edelman and Regnars Kirejevs were fifth, with Jamaica’s Shane Pitter and Tyreek Bucknor sixth.

USA’s Grady Mercer finished seventh, Australia’s Cam Scott eighth, Canada’s Cyrus Gray ninth, and Australia’s Rhys Peters tenth.

With two races to go in the 2024/2025 North American Cup two-man bobsled season, Geoff Gadbois leads Kris Horn by 28 points. AJ Edelman is third, with Edson Bindilatti fourth and Cyrus Gray fifth. Grady Mercer is the top junior in seventh.


Pos Names Nation Bib Start 1 Start 2 Run 1 Run 2 Finish
1 Horn / Baylus USA 5 5.03 5.06 48.39 48.54 1:36.93
2 Gadbois / Storms USA 10 5.09 5.11 48.49 48.63 1:37.12
3 Suk / Lee KOR 3 5.24 5.22 48.86 48.88 1:37.74
4 Bindilatti / Martins BRA 8 5.09 5.07 48.82 49.11 1:37.93
5 Edelman / Kirejevs ISR 12 5.15 5.20 48.97 49.05 1:38.02
6 Pitter / Bucknor JAM 14 5.04 5.06 48.84 49.19 1:38.03
7 Mercer / Breaud USA 9 5.16 5.18 49.23 49.41 1:38.64
8 Scott / Dark AUS 7 5.38 5.31 49.48 49.26 1:38.74
9 Gray / Holmstead CAN 6 5.12 5.14 49.12 49.66 1:38.78
10 Peters / Takapautolo AUS 2 5.34 5.30 49.89 49.93 1:39.82
11 Spiliopoulos / Gaynor ISR 1 5.56 5.58 49.92 49.98 1:39.90
12 Fisher / Townsend USA 15 5.30 5.32 49.91 50.02 1:39.93
13 Dearborn / M’Pindou CAN 13 5.11 5.15 48.94 51.16 1:40.10
14 Palakai / Donpritee THA 11 5.19 5.12 50.00 50.10 1:40.10
15 Ferreira / Goncalves BRA 4 5.20 5.11 50.15 50.04 1:40.19
16 Lourimi / Halaoui TUN 16 5.32 5.28 50.28 50.35 1:40.63