IBSF Bobsled Events:
Women’s Monobob | Two-man Bobsled
Two-Woman Bobsled | Four-Man Bobsled

Maximum Quota Places per NOC:
Two-man and four-man bobsled:
Two (2) NOCs with three (3) teams per event
Seven (7) NOCs with two (2) teams per event
Eight (8) NOCs with one (1) team per event
Total Teams: 28

Women’s Monobob:
Two (2) NOCs with three (3) pilots
Four (4) NOCs with two (2) pilots
Eleven (11) NOCs with one (1) pilot
Total Pilots: 25

Two-woman bobsled:
Three (3) NOCs with three (3) teams
Five (5) NOCs with two (2) teams
Six (6) NOCs with one (1) team
Total Teams: 25

Pilots must have participated and ranked in eight (8) IBSF races on three (3) tracks between October 1, 2024 and January 18, 2026. Of those races, pilots must have participated in five (5) races on two (2) tracks during the 2025/2026 Olympic season by 11:59 PM (Lausanne time) on January 18.

Men’s pilots must be ranked in the top 50 of the IBSF Combined Ranking list. Two-woman pilots must be ranked in the top 40 of the IBSF Women’s Combined Ranking List, Women’s Monobob pilots must be ranked in the top 40 of the IBSF Women’s Monobob Ranking List.

How to Qualify:
Pilots obtain qualification slots for their NOC, but are not necessarily the pilots who will compete in the 2026 Olympic Games.

Men’s Bobsled Ranking List:
The Men’s Bobsled IBSF Combined Ranking List will be made by combining the best results of each pilot in both two-man and four-man events during the 2025/2026 IBSF season until January 18, 2026 at 11:59 PM Lausanne across World Cup, Europe Cup, North American Cup, and Asian Cup. The number of World Cup races of  that season will determine how many events count.

In case of a tie, highest points scored in a single two-man race is the first tiebreaker. If still tied, the most points scored of the athlete’s final two-man race prior to the deadline counts. If still tied after two-man, then four-man results make up the next two tiebreakers in the same way.k

Quota Spot Allocation for Men’s Bobsled:
– Two (2) NOCs with three (3) crews based on the best ranked third pilot of the Combined Ranking List.
– Seven (7) NOCs with the top ranked second best pilot on the Combined Ranking List (not already getting three crews) get the next two (2) quota spots.
– The remaining eight (8) quota spots go to nations with the best ranked pilot on the Combined Ranking List whose NOCs aren’t already earned above.
– If the host nation doesn’t have a quota spot, it will receive the final spot.

Women’s Bobsled Ranking List:
The Women’s Bobsled IBSF Combined Ranking List is determined in the same way as the Men’s Bobsled IBSF Combined Ranking List, but with Monobob and Two-woman bobsled.

Two-woman Bobsled NOC Qualification:
Two-woman bobsled quotas will be assigned like the two-man and four-man quota spots, with the top three NOCs getting three spots, the next five getting two spots, and the final six getting one spot.

Monobob Qualification:
– The two NOCs receiving three spots are given to the best two NOCs already qualified for two-woman bobsled and is determined by the third best pilot in the Combined Ranking List.
– The next four NOCs with two pilots will be allocated to the best four NOCs already qualified for two-woman bobsled who did not qualify three pilots.
– Of the remaining NOCs who receive one quota spot, five come from the Women’s Bobsled Combined Ranking List. The remaining six come from the NOCs with the highest ranked pilot on the Women’s Monobob Ranking List who do not have a spot from the previously mentioned allocations.

Reallocation of Quota Places:
– Unused quota places cannot be transferred to another discipline (so extra two-man spots cannot go to four-man bobsled)
– If there quota places for reallocation, only NOCs who have not already qualified a sled in that discipline during the qualification will be considered.

Important Dates:
– January 18, 2026 – IBSF publishes ranking list
– January 19, 2026 – IBSF informs NOCs of allocation places
– January 21, 2026 – Deadline for NOC confirmation of allocations and deadline of NOCs who would like to be considered for reallocation
– January 22-25, 2026 – Reallocation of positions to be confirmed